Lesson 9: Building JavaScript Widget

We are done with the Python part, as our application is now deployed. All we have left is to build a JavaScript widget for our client to use:

We will start building the following application part:

Creating a JavaScript Widget Project

To make our lives easier, we will create a new Vite project:

npm create vite

We have selected these options:

This will create the following folder structure:

Then we need to install the dependencies:

npm install

And that's it. At this point, we have a fresh project with an example counter component. But we don't really need it, so let's clean it:

  • Remove public/vite.svg
  • Remove counter.js
  • Remove javascript.svg
  • Open main.js and remove all the content
  • Remove style.css

Once we are done, our project should look like this:

Creating the Widget

We can start our widget creation by opening main.js and adding the following logic:

  • Creating a class MessageWidget
  • Adding a constructor with a default position + getPosition method to get the position of the widget
  • Initializing the widget with a function initializeWidget
  • Exporting the widget

Note: To change the API URL, you must change the url property in the MessageWidget class.

class MessageWidget {
constructor(position = "bottom-right") {
this.position = this.getPosition(position);
this.open = false;
// this.injectStyles();
position = "";
open = false;
widgetContainer = null;
chatBox = null;
messagesHistory = [];
identifierToken = '';
// Our API URL
url = '';
getPosition(position) {
const [vertical, horizontal] = position.split("-");
return {
[vertical]: "30px",
[horizontal]: "30px",
function initializeWidget() {
return new MessageWidget();
window.chatWidget = initializeWidget();

With the basic structure done, we need to push something to the screen. So, let's initialize the element creation:

class MessageWidget {
// ...
async initialize() {
* Create and append a div element to the document body
const container = document.createElement("div");
container.style.position = "fixed";
(key) => (container.style[key] = this.position[key])
* Create a button element and give it a class of button__container
const buttonContainer = document.createElement("button");
* Create a span element for the widget icon, give it a class of `widget__icon`, and update its innerHTML property to an icon that would serve as the widget icon.
const widgetIconElement = document.createElement("span");
// widgetIconElement.innerHTML = MESSAGE_ICON;
this.widgetIcon = widgetIconElement;
* Create a span element for the close icon, give it a class of `widget__icon` and `widget__hidden` which would be removed whenever the widget is closed, and update its innerHTML property to an icon that would serve as the widget icon during that state.
const closeIconElement = document.createElement("span");
// closeIconElement.innerHTML = CLOSE_ICON;
closeIconElement.classList.add("widget__icon", "widget__hidden");
this.closeIcon = closeIconElement;
* Append both icons created to the button element and add a `click` event listener on the button to toggle the widget open and close.
* Create a container for the widget and add the following classes:- `widget__hidden`, `widget__container`
this.widgetContainer = document.createElement("div");
this.widgetContainer.classList.add("widget__hidden", "widget__container");
* Invoke the `createWidget()` method
* Append the widget's content and the button to the container
buttonContainer.addEventListener("click", this.toggleOpen.bind(this));
this.chatBox = document.getElementById('widget__messages_box');

Now that we have our base structure initialized, we can add the createWidgetContent method:

Note: This is where you can modify the widget's layout. You can add more elements, change the layout, etc.

class MessageWidget {
// ...
// This method is responsible for the layout of the widget
createWidgetContent() {
this.widgetContainer.innerHTML = `
<header class="widget__header">
<h3>Chat with our AI Helper</h3>
<p>He will try to help you pick a car you want</p>
<div class="widget__messages_box" id="widget__messages_box">
<div class="container">
<p>Hello, how can I help you?</p>
<div class="form__field">
<label for="widget__message">Message</label>
placeholder="Enter your message"
<button onclick="return chatWidget.sendMessage();">Send Message</button>

Next, we need to handle the opening and closing of the widget:

class MessageWidget {
// ...
toggleOpen() {
this.open = !this.open;
if (this.open) {
} else {

Next on our list are message templates for the user and the AI:

Note: This is where you can modify the message templates for the user and the AI. You can add more elements, change the layout, etc.

class MessageWidget {
// ...
messageTemplate() {
return '<div class="container">\n<span>##USER##</span>\n<p>##MESSAGE##</p>\n</div>';
aiTypingTemplate() {
return '<div class="container" id="widget__message_ai_typing"><span>AI</span><p>Typing response...</p></div>';

Of course, AI typing message means that we need to add/remove the indicator, so let's add those methods:

class MessageWidget {
// ...
addAiTyping() {
this.chatBox.innerHTML += this.aiTypingTemplate();
removeAiTyping() {
let aiTyping = document.getElementById('widget__message_ai_typing');

We have covered the templates and some actions, but we still need a way to identify the user:

class MessageWidget {
// ...
retrieveIdentifier() {
// You can retrieve the identifier from the localStorage and use it for chat history if needed
// We have skipped this part. Each reload is new session
this.identifierToken = Date.now().toString(36) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
localStorage.setItem('widget__identifier', this.identifierToken);
return this.identifierToken;

Finally, we can send the message:

class MessageWidget {
// ...
sendMessage() {
// Get the message
let messageBox = document.getElementById('widget__message');
let message = messageBox.value;
messageBox.value = '';
// Save the message to messages list
this.addMessage(message, 'You');
// Send GPT prompt to the server
.then((resp) => {
// Add the message to the chat box
this.addMessage(resp.data.answer, 'AI');
// Scroll the chatbox automatically
// Prevent form submission
return false;
sendMessage() {
// Get the message
let messageBox = document.getElementById('widget__message');
let message = messageBox.value;
messageBox.value = '';
// Save the message to messages list
this.addMessage(message, 'You');
// Send GPT prompt to the server
.then((resp) => {
// Add the message to the chat box
this.addMessage(resp.data.answer, 'AI');
// Scroll the chatbox automatically
// Prevent form submission
return false;
async requestResponse(message) {
const resp = await fetch(this.url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
"query": message,
"identifier": this.retrieveIdentifier()
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
const data = await resp.json();
if (data.data.answer == null) {
return this.requestResponse(message)
} else if (data.data.answer) {
return data;

And, of course, let's push those messages to the chat box:

class MessageWidget {
// ...
addMessage(message, sender) {
let messageTemplate = this.messageTemplate();
messageTemplate = messageTemplate.replace('##USER##', sender);
messageTemplate = messageTemplate.replace('##MESSAGE##', message);
this.chatBox.innerHTML += messageTemplate;

And finally, we need to scroll to the bottom of the chat box when we add a new message:

class MessageWidget {
// ...
scrollToBottom() {
this.chatBox.scrollTop = this.chatBox.scrollHeight;

Now if we run our project with npm run dev, we should see the widget on the screen:

We will style our widget in the next lesson and make it look better.

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