Python Roadmap for Beginners in 2024

This roadmap is for beginners specifically, with no advanced topics.
I also added links to FREE learning resources from our website and the community.

With any suggestions on what to add/change, email me
Must learn these, whatever Python specialization you choose below.
Topics Learning Resources
  • Core syntax: variables, operators, conditions, loops
  • Data structures: lists, sets, dictionaries, tuples
  • Working with files
  • Working with strings
  • Project structure: functions, importing modules/libraries
From here, you need to choose what Python projects you want to work with.
There are different use-cases, with totally separate libraries to learn.
Below you see the main options I suggest.
Option 1. Data Science.
You'll work with data transformation/automation projects.
This is also fundamental knowledge to dive into Machine Learning, later.
Topics Learning Resources
Data Transformation with Pandas library
Data Visualization with Matplotlib/Seaborn libraries
Data Calculation with NumPy library
Option 2. AI / ML: Using Pre-Built Models
Your projects may involve using off-the-shelf models like OpenAI GPT, Llama, etc.
Topics Learning Resources
Working with LLMs, OpenAI and GPT
Natural Language Processing (NLP): spaCy/NLTK libraries
OCR and Image/Video Processing
Option 3. Machine Learning: Building Your Own Models
You will use algorithms and libraries to build and train your own ML models.
Topics Learning Resources
Basic ML:
  • Supervised learning
  • Scikit-learn library
  • Regression and Classification
Advanced ML:
  • Unsupervised learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Deep learning
  • Tensorflow/PyTorch/Keras and other libraries
Here I will intentionally not provide any links.

This topic is totally not for beginners.

But if you get to this level, you will definitely find resources, depending on which ML field you choose.
Option 4. Web-Development
In our Python ML Daily project, we don't focus on web-solutions.
But it's still a very popular usage of Python.
Topics Learning Resources
Web Apps and APIs with Flask framework
Web projects with Django framework

Video version of this roadmap, with explanations: