Python Chatbot: Ask Database of Cars with OpenAI GPT

We'll build a chatbot JS widget that would call the Python API for transforming the human question into an SQL query and getting back the results in human language, with the help of OpenAI API and GPT-4.

52 minutes read

Chatbots are a hot topic these days, and one of the use-cases is asking the questions based on your internal database, like e-shop or catalog of products.

In this course, we will build exactly that: a chatbot JavaScript widget that would call the Python API for transforming the human question into an SQL query and getting back the results in human language, with the help of OpenAI API and GPT-4.

This is based on a real job from Upwork:

Here's an example of what we will build:

Here's an example of the chatbot answer:

The full code will be available in the repository, link to GitHub will be in the last lesson.

Let's go!