Your First Python Chatbot with GPT-3.5 and LangChain

Customer support chatbot: get the answers based on your FAQ documents.

23 minutes read

The most typical usage of AI these days are chatbots, personal assistants, or customer support agents. In this mini-course, let's build a chatbot that would answer customer's questions based on our answers from the FAQ document.

We will use two main tools: GPT-3.5 LLM and LangChain framework for Python.

We will implement the so-called RAG approach, which means retrieving the most relevant pieces of information from our knowledge base and passing them to the LLM to process and provide the answer.

This is, of course, only one set of tools for the chatbots, but with this course, you would have a general understanding of the process and later would be able to experiment with alternatives to improve the chatbot.