Python: Split Large CSV File into Smaller Ones (tasks from Upwork)

2 minutes read

I recently saw a few jobs on Upwork that involve splitting large CSV files into smaller ones. So, I decided to write this tutorial and show how to do it in Python.

Here are the real jobs that you would get paid for:

Now, let's perform the task.

Imagine you have a CSV file with 500,000 rows. To split it, we define two functions:

  • The function of reading the rows and building the "current" list until its size is 50,000
  • The function to write that current list into a new CSV
import csv
def write_csv(filename, data, header=None):
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
if header:
def split_csv(filename, num_rows, has_header=True):
name, extension = filename.split('.')
file_no = 1
chunk = []
row_count = 0
header = ''
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file)
for row in reader:
if has_header:
header = row
has_header = False
row_count += 1
if row_count >= num_rows:
write_csv(f'{name}-{file_no}.{extension}', chunk, header)
chunk = []
file_no += 1
row_count = 0
if chunk:
write_csv(f'{name}-{file_no}.{extension}', chunk, header)

As you can see, we also have a few helper variables:

  • name - to build the salaries-1.csv, salaries-2.csv, etc.
  • file_no - to build the salaries-1.csv, salaries-2.csv, etc
  • header - to write that in each of the resulted files, on top
  • chunk - the current chunk which is filled in until reading the num_rows size
  • row_count - iteration variable to compare against the num_rows

Now, we can call that main function with two parameters - the original filename and how many rows should be in each of the resulting files:

split_csv('salaries.csv', 50000)

In this case, we have split a file with 500,000 rows into 10 files with 50,000 rows each:

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