Pandas DataFrame Query Method: 11 Syntax Options

9 minutes read

While using Pandas in Python, it's common to filter data with df.query() method. But there are so many options of the syntax and parameters! In this tutorial, we will try to show the most important ones.

Simple Check

One of the simplest ways to filter data is to use a comparison operator:

df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
df2 = df.query("Gender == 'Male'")

This will return all rows where the Gender column is equal to Male:

Person ID Gender Age ... Heart Rate Daily Steps Sleep Disorder
0 1 Male 27.0 ... 77 4200 NaN
1 2 Male 28.0 ... 75 10000 NaN
2 3 Male 28.0 ... 75 10000 NaN
3 4 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
4 5 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
[5 rows x 13 columns]

Checking Against Variables

In case you have a dynamic value, you can use a variable in the query:

df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
value = 'Sleep Apnea'
df2 = df.query("`Sleep Disorder` == @value")

This will return all rows where the Sleep Disorder column is equal to the value of the value variable:

Person ID Gender Age ... Heart Rate Daily Steps Sleep Disorder
3 4 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
4 5 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
16 17 Female 29.0 ... 80 4000 Sleep Apnea
17 18 Male 29.0 ... 70 8000 Sleep Apnea
30 31 Female 30.0 ... 78 4100 Sleep Apnea
[5 rows x 13 columns]

Fields With Spaces

Now, if your field has a space in the name, like in our previous example - you can use backticks to escape the field name:

df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
df2 = df.query("`Sleep Disorder` == 'Sleep Apnea'")

This is because without the backticks, the query would fail:

Multiple Conditions

Next, let's see how we can use multiple conditions:

df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
df2 = df.query("Gender == 'Male' and `Age` >= 29")

This has allowed us to filter the data to only include rows where the Gender is Male and the Age is greater than or equal to 29:

Person ID Gender Age ... Heart Rate Daily Steps Sleep Disorder
6 7 Male 29.0 ... 82 3500 Insomnia
7 8 Male 29.0 ... 70 8000 NaN
8 9 Male 29.0 ... 70 8000 NaN
9 10 Male 29.0 ... 70 8000 NaN
10 11 Male 29.0 ... 70 8000 NaN
[5 rows x 13 columns]

Of course, you can use or as well:

df2 = df.query("`Heart Rate` >= 80 or `Age` <= 27")

This gives us all rows where the Heart Rate is greater than or equal to 80 or the Age is less than or equal to 27:

Person ID Gender Age ... Heart Rate Daily Steps Sleep Disorder
0 1 Male 27.0 ... 77 4200 NaN
3 4 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
4 5 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
5 6 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Insomnia
6 7 Male 29.0 ... 82 3500 Insomnia
[5 rows x 13 columns]

Multiple Conditions Faster

But what if we want to use a range condition on a column? We can write it like this:

df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
df2 = df.query("30 <= Age and Age < 50")

It filters our entries:

Person ID Gender Age ... Heart Rate Daily Steps Sleep Disorder
19 20 Male 30.0 ... 70 8000 NaN
20 21 Male 30.0 ... 70 8000 NaN
21 22 Male 30.0 ... 70 8000 NaN
22 23 Male 30.0 ... 70 8000 NaN
23 24 Male 30.0 ... 70 8000 NaN
[5 rows x 13 columns]

But there's a better way to write this - combining the conditions into a single one:

df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
df2 = df.query('30 <= Age < 50')

This will give us the same result but with more readable code.

Using the in Operator

Sometimes, you want to filter your data based on a list of values. You can do this using the in operator:

df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
df2 = df.query("`Sleep Disorder` in ['Sleep Apnea', 'Insomnia']")

This will give us all rows where the Sleep Disorder column is either Sleep Apnea or Insomnia:

Person ID Gender Age ... Heart Rate Daily Steps Sleep Disorder
3 4 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
4 5 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
5 6 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Insomnia
6 7 Male 29.0 ... 82 3500 Insomnia
16 17 Female 29.0 ... 80 4000 Sleep Apnea
[5 rows x 13 columns]

This also supports variables and not in operator:

list = ['Sleep Apnea', 'Insomnia']
df2 = df.query("`Sleep Disorder` not in @list")

It's a great way to build some logic into your queries.

Using F-Strings

Another way to use variables in queries is to use f-strings:

df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
value = 30
df2 = df.query(f'Age < {value}')

This does the same thing as before, but you don't need to add the @ symbol:

Person ID Gender Age ... Heart Rate Daily Steps Sleep Disorder
0 1 Male 27.0 ... 77 4200 NaN
1 2 Male 28.0 ... 75 10000 NaN
2 3 Male 28.0 ... 75 10000 NaN
3 4 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
4 5 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
[5 rows x 13 columns]

Math Actions

Next, we want to show you how to use math in queries. Let's say we want to filter our data based on a math operation:

df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
df2 = df.query('Age <= `Heart Rate` / 3')

This compares our Age column to the result of the Heart Rate column divided by 3:

Person ID Gender Age ... Heart Rate Daily Steps Sleep Disorder
3 4 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
4 5 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
5 6 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Insomnia
[3 rows x 13 columns]

We can also write this as multiplication:

df2 = df.query('Age <= `Heart Rate` * 0.33')

And it will still give us the same result.

String Method Matches

Our following example involves string methods. Let's say we want to filter our data based on a string method and only take rows where the Blood Pressure column ends with /80:

df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
# String methods:
df2 = df.query('`Blood Pressure`.str.endswith("/80")')

This will give us all rows where the Blood Pressure column ends with /80:

Person ID Gender Age Occupation Sleep Duration Quality of Sleep \
1 2 Male 28.0 Doctor 6.2 6
2 3 Male 28.0 Doctor 6.2 6
7 8 Male 29.0 Doctor 7.8 7
8 9 Male 29.0 Doctor 7.8 7
9 10 Male 29.0 Doctor 7.8 7
Physical Activity Level Stress Level BMI Category Blood Pressure \
1 60 8 Normal 125/80
2 60 8 Normal 125/80
7 75 6 Normal 120/80
8 75 6 Normal 120/80
9 75 6 Normal 120/80
Heart Rate Daily Steps Sleep Disorder
1 75 10000 NaN
2 75 10000 NaN
7 70 8000 NaN
8 70 8000 NaN
9 70 8000 NaN

Note: We have used pandas.set_option('display.max_columns', None) to display all columns in the output.

This can be very useful when you filter your data based on some part of strings or apply any other string method.

Take Non-Null Values

Pandas also allows you to filter by not null values:

df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
df2 = df.query('`Sleep Disorder`.notnull()')

This gives us all rows where the Sleep Disorder column is not null:

Person ID Gender Age ... Heart Rate Daily Steps Sleep Disorder
3 4 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
4 5 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
5 6 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Insomnia
6 7 Male 29.0 ... 82 3500 Insomnia
16 17 Female 29.0 ... 80 4000 Sleep Apnea
[5 rows x 13 columns]

As you can see, our data starts at index 3 because our original source looks like this:

Person ID,Gender,Age,Occupation,Sleep Duration,Quality of Sleep,Physical Activity Level,Stress Level,BMI Category,Blood Pressure,Heart Rate,Daily Steps,Sleep Disorder
1,Male,27,Software Engineer,6.1,6,42,6,Overweight,126/83,77,4200,None
4,Male,28,Sales Representative,5.9,4,30,8,Obese,140/90,85,3000,Sleep Apnea
5,Male,28,Sales Representative,5.9,4,30,8,Obese,140/90,85,3000,Sleep Apnea
6,Male,28,Software Engineer,5.9,4,30,8,Obese,140/90,85,3000,Insomnia

This is a great way to filter out incomplete rows and only work with complete data.

Reversing the Condition

You can also reverse the condition:

df2 = df.query('`Sleep Disorder`.isnull()')

This will give us all rows where the Sleep Disorder column is null:

Person ID Gender Age ... Heart Rate Daily Steps Sleep Disorder
0 1 Male 27.0 ... 77 4200 NaN
1 2 Male 28.0 ... 75 10000 NaN
2 3 Male 28.0 ... 75 10000 NaN
7 8 Male 29.0 ... 70 8000 NaN
8 9 Male 29.0 ... 70 8000 NaN
[5 rows x 13 columns]

Which can be used to quickly create two datasets - one with complete data and one with incomplete data.

Targeting Index - Not Columns

When using the pandas query, you can also target the index of the rows, not just the columns:

df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
df2 = df.query('index % 2 == 0')

This will give us every second row:

Person ID Gender Age ... Heart Rate Daily Steps Sleep Disorder
0 1 Male 27.0 ... 77 4200 NaN
2 3 Male 28.0 ... 75 10000 NaN
4 5 Male 28.0 ... 85 3000 Sleep Apnea
6 7 Male 29.0 ... 82 3500 Insomnia
8 9 Male 29.0 ... 70 8000 NaN

This can be achieved by using the index keyword in your query, as it's a special keyword that targets the index of the rows.

Bonus: Different Syntax

As a last example, we wanted to show you another way people do this in tutorials and documentation. This does not use the query method but still filters the data:

df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
df2 = df[df['Age'] > 30]

This will filter the data to only include rows where the Age column is greater than 30:

Person ID Gender Age ... Heart Rate Daily Steps Sleep Disorder
32 33 Female 31.0 ... 69 6800 NaN
33 34 Male 31.0 ... 72 5000 NaN
34 35 Male 31.0 ... 70 8000 NaN
35 36 Male 31.0 ... 72 5000 NaN
36 37 Male 31.0 ... 72 5000 NaN
[5 rows x 13 columns]


One thing to keep in mind is performance. As with everything, method calls have different performance expectations, and you should always test your code to see which method is the fastest for your use case.

In our case, we have tested the performance of the query method and the [] method like this:

import pandas
df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
df2 = df[df['Age'] > 30]

import pandas
df = pandas.read_csv('healthdata.csv')
df2 = df.query('Age > 30')

Then, we used the time console command to measure the performance. This is the result:

As you can see, the query method is faster in this case. But this might not be the case for your data, so always test your code to see which method/approach is the fastest.

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